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A New Hope Ultimate Trivia Quiz

A New Hope Ultimate Trivia Quiz

Han says he’d prefer what to “all this sneaking around”?

Han says he’d prefer what to “all this sneaking around”?
  • “A straight fight”
  • “A good fight”
  • “A big fight”
  • “A nice fight”

Who owned R2 and C-3PO before uncle Owen and Luke bought them from the Jawas?

Who owned R2 and C-3PO before uncle Owen and Luke bought them from the Jawas?
  • Wedge Antilles
  • The Empire
  • The Rebellion
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi

What is the name of Luke’s best friend from Tatooine?

What is the name of Luke’s best friend from Tatooine?
  • Biggs
  • Wedge
  • Ben
  • He didn’t have a best friend on Tatooine

Who are the first characters you see in the movie?

Who are the first characters you see in the movie?
  • C-3PO and R2-D2
  • Leia and R2-D2
  • Darth Vader and Stormtroopers
  • Leia and C-3PO

True or false: This was the first movie to have no credits in the beginning.

True or false: This was the first movie to have no credits in the beginning.
  • False
  • True

The Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in how many parsecs?

The Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run in how many parsecs?
  • 12
  • 14
  • 2
  • 10

Where did Princess Leia tell Tarkin the Rebel base was? 

Where did Princess Leia tell Tarkin the Rebel base was? 
  • Dantooine
  • Tatooine
  • Yavin 4
  • Alderaan

Who says “You’re braver than I thought”?

Who says “You’re braver than I thought”?
  • Leia
  • Han
  • Luke
  • Tarkin

What was Princess Leia’s cell number?

What was Princess Leia’s cell number?
  • 2187
  • 2189
  • 2781
  • 2181

What’s the name of the Jawas’ vehicle?

What’s the name of the Jawas’ vehicle?
  • The Sandcrawler
  • The Sandmachine
  • The Sandwalker
  • The Badonkadonk

Complete the line: “Into the garbage chute ________.”

Complete the line: “Into the garbage chute ________.”
  • Flyboy
  • Fur ball
  • Your worship
  • Your highness

Complete the quote: “You will never find a more _________ of scum and villainy.”

Complete the quote: “You will never find a more _________ of scum and villainy.”
  • Wretched hive
  • Anguished hive
  • Ferocious hive
  • Vicious hive

Where was the Rebel Base really located?

Where was the Rebel Base really located?
  • Yavin 4
  • Yavin
  • Dantooine
  • Alderaan

Aunt Beru tells Luke if they get a translator droid to be sure it speaks what language?

Aunt Beru tells Luke if they get a translator droid to be sure it speaks what language?
  • Bocce
  • Huttese
  • Shyriiwook
  • Aurebesh

Han calls Ben an old what?

Han calls Ben an old what?
  • Fossil
  • Fool
  • Relic
  • Moron