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The Ultimate Star Wars Rebels Quiz (season 1)

The Ultimate Star Wars Rebels Quiz (season 1)

Which of these is Chopper NOT called in season one?

Which of these is Chopper NOT called in season one?
  • Glorified beaping garbage can
  • Rust bucket
  • Metal menace
  • Rolling junk pile

Which Jedi Master does the Ghost crew attempt to rescue, only to find it was a trap set by The Inquisitor?

Which Jedi Master does the Ghost crew attempt to rescue, only to find it was a trap set by The Inquisitor?
  • Luminara Undulli
  • Aayla Secure
  • Depa Billaba
  • Adi Galia

True or false: Ezra got his Kyber Crystal from an old Jedi Temple?

True or false: Ezra got his Kyber Crystal from an old Jedi Temple?
  • True
  • False

Complete the quote: “The sun may set on the old republic but a new ______ can be won.”

Complete the quote: “The sun may set on the old republic but a new ______ can be won.”
  • Freedom
  • Hope
  • Battle
  • Liberty

What is the name of the imperial holiday celebrated on Ezra’s birthday?

What is the name of the imperial holiday celebrated on Ezra’s birthday?
  • Empire Day
  • Emperor Day
  • Sith Day
  • Vader day

Which of these is correct?

Which of these is correct?
  • Kanan is Spectre-1
  • Ezra is Spectre-5
  • Sabine is Spectre-4
  • Zeb is Spectre-3
  • Hera is Spectre-1

What are the first names of Ezra’s parents?

What are the first names of Ezra’s parents?
  • Ephraim and Mira
  • Elijah and Mary
  • Luke and Leia
  • Elias and Mara

Where is Ezra from?

Where is Ezra from?
  • Lothal
  • Naboo
  • Alderaan
  • Tatooine

When undercover at the Imperial Academy what alias does Ezra use?

When undercover at the Imperial Academy what alias does Ezra use?
  • Dev Morgan
  • Zare Leonis
  • Jai Kell
  • Lando Calrissian

Lando Calrissian wins Chopper from Zeb by beating him in what game?

Lando Calrissian wins Chopper from Zeb by beating him in what game?
  • Sabacc
  • Dejarick
  • Pazaak
  • Digotto

What about Kanan allows The Inquisitor to correctly guess his former master?

What about Kanan allows The Inquisitor to correctly guess his former master?
  • His fighting technique
  • The color of his lightsaber
  • The way he uses the Force
  • How he only uses his lightsaber when absolutely necessary

Who is this Imperial?

Who is this Imperial?
  • Minister Tua
  • Minister Pryce
  • Governor Pryce
  • Minister Breha

What does Sabine give to Ezra as a birthday present?

What does Sabine give to Ezra as a birthday present?
  • A picture of his family
  • An old recording of his parents’ voices
  • A Holocron
  • The keys to his family’s old home

What’s the only thing Kanan told Hera about the Mustafar System?

What’s the only thing Kanan told Hera about the Mustafar System?
  • “It’s where Jedi go to die”
  • “It’s really hot”
  • “It’s mostly full of lava”
  • “It’s where I watched my master die”