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Aside from “Hail HYDRA!” what other phrase do HYDRA members often say?

Aside from “Hail HYDRA!” what other phrase do HYDRA members often say?
  • “Cut of one head, two more shall take its place”
  • “This is an age of miracles”
  • “We will have the power of Gods”
  • “The stability we cannot find in the world, we will create”

In the beginning of Avengers: Age of Ultron what item are The Avengers trying to take back from Baron Strucker?

In the beginning of Avengers: Age of Ultron what item are The Avengers trying to take back from Baron Strucker?
  • Loki’s Scepter
  • Thor’s Hammer
  • Ultron
  • The Tesseract

Which of these is NOT a word among the string of code phrases used to take control of The Winter Soldier’s mind?

Which of these is NOT a word among the string of code phrases used to take control of The Winter Soldier’s mind?
  • Dawn
  • Nine
  • Rusted
  • Freight Car

Who is The Winter Soldier?

Who is The Winter Soldier?
  • James Buchanan (Bucky) Barnes
  • Steve Rodgers
  • Johan Schmidt
  • Natasha Romanoff

For how many years had HYDRA been operating from within S.H.I.E.L.D?

For how many years had HYDRA been operating from within S.H.I.E.L.D?
  • 70
  • 100
  • 50
  • 45

Where did the Red Skull first discover the Tesseract in Captain America The First Avenger?

Where did the Red Skull first discover the Tesseract in Captain America The First Avenger?
  • Tønsberg, Norway
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Bern, Switzerland
  • Moscow, Russia

Alexander Pierce requested which avenger to stop by his niece’s birthday party?

Alexander Pierce requested which avenger to stop by his niece’s birthday party?
  • Iron man
  • Black Widow
  • Captain America
  • Thor

Which former HYDRA leader was revealed to be on Vormir in Avengers: Infinity War?

Which former HYDRA leader was revealed to be on Vormir in Avengers: Infinity War?
  • Red Skull
  • Alexander Pierce
  • Dr. Arnim Zola
  • Wilfred Malick

What officer did Captain America and Black Widow kidnap in Captain America: The Winter Soldier? 

What officer did Captain America and Black Widow kidnap in Captain America: The Winter Soldier? 
  • Jasper Sitwell
  • Sharon Carter
  • Nick Fury
  • Alexander Pierce

Who is this HYDRA enthusiast?

Who is this HYDRA enthusiast?
  • Baron Strucker
  • Alexander Pierce
  • Gideon Malick
  • Daniel Whitehall

How many assassinations has The Winter Soldier committed in the last 50 years?

How many assassinations has The Winter Soldier committed in the last 50 years?
  • Over 24
  • Over 12
  • Over 50
  • Over 80

Which members of The World Council were actually HYDRA?

Which members of The World Council were actually HYDRA?
  • Alexander Pierce and Gideon Malick
  • Gideon Malick and Nagendra Singh
  • Nagendra Singh and Hawley
  • Hawley and Rockwell

What is the name of the abandoned army base where HYDRA ambushed Steve and Natasha in Captain America The Winter Soldier? (HINT: It’s in Virginia)

What is the name of the abandoned army base where HYDRA ambushed Steve and Natasha in Captain America The Winter Soldier? (HINT: It’s in Virginia)
  • Camp Lehigh
  • Fort Pickett
  • Camp Pendleton
  • Fort Knox

What is the Red Skull’s real name?

What is the Red Skull’s real name?
  • Johann Schmidt
  • Daniel Whitehall
  • Arnim Zola
  • Gideon Malick