Can You Get 100% On This Avengers: Infinity War Quiz?
What is the name of this man?
- Eitri
- Dimitri
- Rocket
- Thanos
- Ebony Maw
Which is the last stone Thanos collects?
- Mind
- Space
- Time
- Soul
- Power
- Reality
What line do Cap and Vision both say in Infinity War?
- “We don’t trade lives.”
- “I could do this all day.”
- “Avengers assemble!”
- “I’m not looking for forgiveness.”
True or false: Ebony Maw dies?
- True
- False
Complete the quote: “Ok did you ever see this really old movie _______?”
- Aliens
- Empire Strikes Back
- Footloose
- Radars of the Lost Ark
How many infinity stones are there?
- 6
- 5
- 7
- 8
- 4
How many dwarfs lived on Nidavellir?
- 300
- 50
- 3,000
- 30
Where were Vision and Wanda when they first appeared in Infinity War?
- Scotland
- Ireland
- Finland
- New York
Who says “Haha! You guys are so screwed now!”?
- Bruce Banner
- Rocket
- Thor
- Loki
What is the name of Thor’s new axe?
- Stormbreaker
- Thunder Storm
- Mjolnir
- Eitri
Complete the quote: “Get this man a ______.”
- Shield
- Sword
- Weapon
- Army
Where did Peter Parker and Peter Quill meet?
- Titan
- Earth
- Xandar
- Knowhere
Who does Tony invite to his wedding in the beginning of Infinity War?
- Wong
- Dr. Strange
- Peter Parker
- Bruce Banner
Who did Nick Fury page?
- Captain Marvel
- Captain America
- Tony Stark
- Black Widow
How many end credit scenes are in Infinity War?
- 2
- 3
- 1
- None
“The universe lies within your _____.” Complete the line.
- Grasp
- Reach
- Clasp
- Clutches
Who do the avengers refer to as “kid”?
- Peter Parker
- Peter Quill
- Shuri
- Wanda
True or false: Heimdall dies in the beginning of Infinity War?
- True
- False
What was the name of Tony’s kid in his dream?
- Morgan
- Megan
- Pepper
- Mary
Which of these is correct?
- The space stone is blue
- The soul stone is purple
- The mind stone is orange
- The space stone is yellow
- The time stone is yellow
How many futures did Dr. Strange see?
- 14,000,605
- 14,605
- 14,000,000
- 13,604
Who says “We don’t want to kill you but we will.”?
- Black Widow
- Scarlet Witch
- Vision
- Captain America
What does Thor call Rocket?
- Rabbit
- Rat
- Trash panda
- Rodent
Who says “I assume you have a preference.”?
- Thanos
- Ebony Maw
- Tony Stark
- Dr. Strange
Where was the soul stone hidden?
- Vormir
- Xandar
- Earth
- Asgard
Where did Thanos get the Power Stone?
- Xandar
- Wakanda
- Asgard
- Vormir