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Harry Potter Pets, Beasts, and Animagi Trivia Quiz

Harry Potter Pets, Beasts, and Animagi Trivia Quiz

What creature does the impostor Mad-Eye Moody demonstrate the unforgivable curses on?

What creature does the impostor Mad-Eye Moody demonstrate the unforgivable curses on?
  • Spiders
  • Scorpions
  • Skrewts
  • Snidgets

What color are baby unicorns?

What color are baby unicorns?
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Turquoise
  • Bronze

Who/what lives in The Great Lake?

Who/what lives in The Great Lake?
  • Merpeople
  • Shrake
  • Ramoras
  • Kelpies

Which of the following characters is able to see thestrals?

Which of the following characters is able to see thestrals?
  • Luna Lovegood
  • Hermione Granger
  • Ron Weasley
  • Ginny Weasley

What magical creature sings at the approach of rain?

What magical creature sings at the approach of rain?
  • Augurey
  • Jobberknoll
  • Diricawl
  • Streeler

Which of the following characters is NOT an animagus?

Which of the following characters is NOT an animagus?
  • Remus Lupin
  • James Potter
  • Peter Pettigrew
  • Rita Skeeter

Which of these creatures is extremely proud and will attack if insulted?

Which of these creatures is extremely proud and will attack if insulted?
  • Hippogriff
  • Thestral
  • Unicorn
  • Griffin

What kind of dragon is Norbert?

What kind of dragon is Norbert?
  • Norwegian Ridgeback
  • Swedish Short Snout
  • Ukrainian Ironbelly
  • Hungarian Horntail

How big are acromantula eggs?

How big are acromantula eggs?
  • Beachball size
  • Basketball size
  • Golf ball size
  • Tennis ball size

What is the name of Hagrid’s boarhound?

What is the name of Hagrid’s boarhound?
  • Fang
  • Fluffy
  • Norbert
  • Bucky

What store does Hermione buy Crookshanks from?

What store does Hermione buy Crookshanks from?
  • Magical Menagerie
  • Madam Malkin's
  • Flourish and Blotts
  • Dervish and Bangs

What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione call Sirius when others are present?

What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione call Sirius when others are present?
  • Snuffles
  • Snuffy
  • Fluffy
  • Fluffalicious

How do you hatch a basilisk?

How do you hatch a basilisk?
  • Put a chicken egg beneath a toad
  • Put a chicken egg beneath a frog
  • Put a dragon egg under a snake
  • Put a dragon egg under a griffin

What type of dragon guards the lowest vaults in Gringotts?

What type of dragon guards the lowest vaults in Gringotts?
  • Ukranian Ironbelly
  • Romanian Longhorn
  • Peruvian Vipertooth
  • Hebridean Black

What rare quality do phoenix tears have?

What rare quality do phoenix tears have?
  • They heal wounds
  • They give courage
  • They give you good luck
  • They turn things to gold